You're back
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I just got myself onto bed at 4am when suddenly I received morning calls at 8am. Thanks dude! I am suppose to get a tight sleep tonight and you gave an unexpected call. Luckily you are ( ), or else I’ve already put down my handphone. You’ve been dreaming about me I guess, till you decided to gave me a call. Nyahas. Nvm! At 8 plus he was already joking around with me, in spite of my sleepiness. He managed to wake me up with his cranky jokes, that made me giggle all the way. Nyehh. I had my second round of sleep at 2pm BUT this time I switched off my hp not allowing any calls. Damn, im still sleepy. I shall expect some midnight calls from him later since his back from nowhere!. Hees. To clear misunderstanding, this dude here has nothing relationship with me. He is just a normal friend of mine, not a special friend even (err, a bit special only), I treat him like my own brother. He share his probs with me but I didn’t. Ehs, dude, don’t spread any fake news, that im your girl ehs, stop it. or i'll tell your girl.muahaha.I guess even if I were to type malay here, he wont probably understand. His malay is like terrible, broken malay. Once he speaks malay, his words are all over the place. For sure you people might laugh when you hear it. It took me over 10 minutes to get over with it. Nyahas. Nvm, I know my malay not super fantastic, but I shall try my best to help you in Malay. Err, btw, ive got Malay dictionary here, do you want to lend? Its super thick,and you should read the words and meaning. Its good for you tho. So that your words and sentence wont get mixed up. Nyahas!
Ok enough about him. I get distracted over him now and I did nothing to art. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. Im suppose to atleast do sketching or manipulating but I didn’t. eh dude, see its all your fault! Sheesh. Im just too bored doing art, I don’t have the mood to begin sketching. Stuffs are right beside me and Im staring blankly on it. What the hell! Arghh!! Mann!! I guess I will be dating with my bed for the third round, im still sleepy. Sobsob. Ok toodles. Wait! Before I get going dating with my bed or do sketching, I want to tell you people this. I miss Khalisah badly. Shes enjoying herself there while we are hectic with classes. Urghh! Ok toodles.
To shaamz: girl, you’re being too obvious with your feelings.