Monday, June 8, 2009
I just reach home from school. I only attended physics and chemistry. I skipped english consultation. Sorry Miss Lee for not being able to attend your classes (like as if she reads my blog,duhh). Currently im having menses cramps and its already the third day, gahh! it hurts terribly now and i have to endure. Oh my i usually have cramps on the first day and why must it dragged to the third day?!?sheesh, okay stop it with the girls stuff. Its normal btw. Hmmmphh,i wonder when im going to attend art classes? Tomorrow?the day after tomorrow? next week? WHEN??!?!?!?!?tell me. Its already the second week and im not yet started! am i insane?trying to be nuts? i seriously dont know whats happening to me for goodness sake.blarghh, and whats more mums been nagging about my room? nyehh, i did shifting yesterday night and not done to the fullest, its still in a shambles state. boohoo, whose kind enough to clear up for me? No one does i guess! ok i better get going before mums get back home in the afternoon seeing those mess, and turn everything upside down. and fuckshit, ive got to complete my art (layouts plus colour shemes by today). To farah, get going with art, and please for your own good, ATTEND CLASSES PREETY PLS!although some of the lessons are bored. But hey, its a revision from the basic!nyahas!you will be remorseful if you dont attend aites.Toodles!