By The Sea I Stand Alone
Friday, June 5, 2009
Oo, Im a good photograher aint i? ahas! Thats so random of me. Oh my, everyone in the house being a real stucked up. They annoys me alot. Its better to seal my mouth rather than speaking out a single words on them. Their words are a killer, i cant bare with it. Its better to stare at them than looking at them, sheesh. I feel like crying, wheres the happiness that we usually had? Mum and dad are too busy with their work not spending enough time with us! I want the care and concern back. Even when you are at home, having your off days, you took the time to spent with some other people instead with us inspite of the tiredness.You treat us like a strangers at home. So do we! you dont talk but you nagged, you nagged at us non-stop like as if the days are dying. You nagged like as if we've done something that is terribly wrong, and its hard for you to stop nagging. Dont you know that we're tired of it already?we had enough, but we remained quiet. quiet and quiet, but how long will this dragged on? oh fuck this thing up. Im no longer talking to you people in the house with manners, i do feel like im talking to u hoarsely and you intend to scold. Dont blame me, blame yourself. Both of you reflect yourself in the mirror and see whats lacking in yourself?Its a dismay if i had to say this, but i wont revealed. Somehow or sooner, i will show it for you guys. I will change myself before you do. Teach me like what muslims people usually do before i teach you guys. Oh my, i just could not stand it anymore.