The Next Move
Monday, June 15, 2009
I left my thermometer in my room and I ended up buying a new one. I tried being impertinent towards the security guards but they impelled me to get a new one. Those bugs are just eating up our money. Early in the morning, I was already feeling indignant! Damn it! Physics as usual, I always arrived half an hour late, and I’m off to do experiment. Chemistry class was next, this time, I managed to follow the lessons well, but I am more to a chatterbox today. Nyahas! Art pieces are impeding. I do not want to be an imbecile, working thing out slowly. I need to fasten up my pace, so I could catch up with the timing. Haishh..
I just had my afternoon nap. Damn, I would want more please. If I wasn’t been feeling ravenous, I should have a longer nap. Or most probably, won’t be waking up till the next day. I need to help mum clear things out from the refrigerator. A new one would be coming in tomorrow. Yay! Psst: I wonder what is happening around some of you. Sometime you are nice, sometime you are not. Something you are just being weird. !@#$%^&*!
Sometimes people change. Sometimes people change totally. Sometimes, they did not. For sure i am sleeping late, i am having fun drooling around with the charcoal. Its in a mess right now, but i need to clear the mess out. Not today, not tomorrow, some other time maybe. Ehs i like that, its groovy,woo!hahas!
By the way,
  Happy Birthday Maisurah!( the one wearing blue hoodie and standing right in the middle) Enjoy your wonderful day today. All the best for your O levels, and have a prosperous life. You bring in the coolness in our group, and Mai, stay cool always. Hahas!