Sports Day
Friday, March 6, 2009

      Sudahlah jangan menangis lagi,ku rasa cukup sampai di sini,mungkin di suatu saat nanti,kau temui cinta yang sejati Sudah cepatlah lupakan aku,jangan pernah ungkit masa lalu Track And Field Meet was held yesterday at Tampines Stadium.This year did not participate in any of the runnings.I was just the spectators there,cheering and yelling to my own house.This year,adventurers was friggin dead.They’re just being the zombies of the day.Each of their face are just asking for a smacking,cos they just cant be bothered to support for their own house whose out there running.Thanx god,theres still cheerleaders whose helping me out cheering for the runners.hahas.I almost got a sore throat today due to shouting and leading the cheer.hahs.Those people whose thinking I wasn’t doing my job as a cheerleading captain,im sorry,I did aites,Its just that you people did not realised it.So shut the hell up if you no nothing.Cos you’re just making me frust only.geez.At the end of the event I brought back a gold trophy for winning the cheerleading competition.hahs.This trophy will not only belong to me but also to those who participated in the cheerleading competition.List of names had been posted in the early post.So check out the people’s name who had participated.Thanxs to them for spending time and effort in participating this year cheerleading.Your hardwork are all appreciated and we bring back the trophy thats supposed to be belong to us earlier on.hahs.Yeah,love you all a lot.hahs.
Those people who did not manage to view the whole adventurers cheerleading,this is the link to the video aites:
Yesterday lunch was at Seoul Garden.hahs!Only Mai,Myra and Isah were there,Nad cant make it cos wasn’t in the appetite to eat.hahs,Its okay girl,we understand.And from there goes our fun and craps.hahs!.Im just too lazy to elaborate it.hees.Photos for Seoul Garden will be up soon.yeeps OK TATA This year sports day gonna be a fruitful memory.yeeps