biography ![]() I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that i will bring people's happiness, i'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause i know i'm the best. |
Twitter updates Bygones The lies are laying heavy in my heart.I just dont ... School Camwhore Fucking Shiok Early Calls Vday vs Cheerleading First Post |
I just simply dont know why
Friday, February 20, 2009 “Sumpah I love you,I need you,I need you more,tak bisaku musnahkan kamu dari otakku” Psst:Taken from a lyrics Its nothing that I can do just to make things back to normal, but everything requires time.Slow and steady.School was a bore for me,malay?!?get sick and tired of it.Always kept doing the same thing , practice papers, comprehension wksheet,letter writing and some other stuffs. I intend not to concentrate during malay lessons, but just doing my own things.Most probably day dreaming.hees.Geography lessons,did mind-maping.Kaes,i HATE mind-maping.Cos to me its kindda messy,and I don’t learn in a messy manner.Being neat is the most important.hahs!Rather than mind-maping,I rather do point-form methods.Cos its more neater.yeeps. PE was practically rough.Im sorry MAI,NADHIRAH and NABIHA for playing rough with you people.Especially mai,sorry for pushing you hard till both of us are being dragged through the floor.Yeah I know its kindda pain,cos you ended up lying like a superman.hahas!Its my fault.I know your leg hurts so IM SORRY.hees.peace to you babe!.Nadhirah,I don’t know whats happening to intend to tripped over at certain time,but congrats you are the goalie for the day.You’re the HEROIN in your group.(For today only).hees.I guess today aint our day to score,but just being a trasher to you girls.hahs!Myra thnxs for the very very very rough and tough throw to me.Its fucking pain yeah.And till now that *ehem ehem* is still in pain.grr.whatever it is,your apology I accepted.Ok,Come on its just a gameJ.Anything can happen when it comes to sports.hahs! I just don’t know why I simply love hearing to piano and the way they play it?!?err,,kindda weird.I must be insane,if I do love hearing to piano.Cos I used to complain a lot when a song is played using piano.But I just love it when a friend of Nad,played a song, Fall For You,Unfaithful,and the rest I don’t recognize the song.hahs! Weird huh. Im just hoping if someone could play for me my fav Korean drama.haishhh. I just cant be bothered to learn piano,cos I know I wont really make it with the hands movement and all those notes.hahs.Just forget it,But I’ll just admire it larghh.hahs!.Its more easier o playing a recorder than a piano.haha! Cheerleading suit was awesome?!?The skirt is okay but fer the top,kindda short and tight.haha!Overall,I think its okay uhs.hahas! Can somebody please tell me whose the real singer for the song “Cintaku Dipermainkan” ?Is it sung by a local singer or wat?!? Tagged me pls.thnxs. OK TATA *im trying to be more secretive now,so please excuse me*hees |