Thursday, February 19, 2009

The lies are laying heavy in my heart. I just dont know ?!? quite where to start.I wish a little light Could come shining through this dark.
Woke up late today,and i was almost late for school,which i dont want to.NO BMS pleasee. Practically,i stonned alot today and day dreamed alot.My mind wasnt in class,but somewhere lost in a strawberry land.I just felt like im a lost freak. Sorry friends,if ive not been entertaining you people.I will intend not to talk to people , or even smiled at them.Im not giving you people a staring looking face,but i was just down. To my dear Nadhirah,im not having problems or what. To my bestie Khalisah,its better for me to lie to my heart rather than i speak truthfully.Its okay.I could take it.Trust me.:) and im sorry if ive been unhappy with you during trainings,cos you making my job difficult by slacking around,giving all sodz of reasons.which i dont accept apology aites. I thought as a friend,ure helping me out,help me deal with the groups.but ure joined them. seriously,im disappointed in you during trainings ONLY.
I guess mum have been wondering why ive been reaching home at 6pm. Cos MON,WED,THURS ive got cheerleading tranings TUES and FRI is CCA day. understood?!?! It'll be over soon by 25th Feb.Im justt gonna let everything out and stay focus after that day onwards.yeeps.
OK TATA im off now