Get over with it
Monday, February 23, 2009

"Jangan sok ganteng dehh lu"
I cant understand why human beings cant just follow simple instruction?!?Just get over with it and thats it!All done!They're just wasting their time and energy on it. Im all frust up today,after school.I get easily tensed and i cant really controlled my feelings anymore.And the person to share with is Nadhirah!Shes the one who could control all this situation and be my side.Bcos i guess she knows how im feeling.Girl,i think when im sad,u know how i feel.And when im happy,u know how the happiness lies.right girl?!?cos i believe that u had gone through all this before. To somebody out there,i dont know whether ure reading this or not,but i guess ure reading this.yeeps.I just want to let you know that CAN YOU JUST GET OVER WITH IT?!?why in the hell must you exaggerate things to this extent?!Its all kindda bullshit,and ure just being an immature and a pampered type of person.Yes,i still remembered what uve told me before,but look whose talking!.You're spreading gossips/rumours to other people about me,trying to retwist back the story?!?err,,hello?!?cant you just be professional enough?!?Come on largh,please dont hide behind the bush,its all useless.If you wanne hide,hide far far,where all the gossips/rumours wont come back to me.haha!Ure just being a loser and an immature.Ive never met this kind of impertinent guy like you before.Serious shit Kaes,i just went down to get some fresh air.To release my anger and tensed.Help dad on the car,which cant really start.The car is dead,and need to be sent to workshop.hahs!Played around with the engine stuffs and helped to start up the car.weee,,.Now i just feel like taking up a driving license as soon as possible.Which IM GONNA TAKE!I dont care.Cos ive been dreaming of driving a car.haha!Dreamy girl. OK TATA *dad being so noisy* grrr.