How could that be?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
.................. . I'm puzzled with this blog. I dont get a chance to upload pics from yesterday chalet. I can do nothing either than continue typing. urghh,. Its been two days im facing this problem with blogger and whats with it? ahuh! even the font has originally changed which distract me lots. Ok i will upload the pics once this thing is back to normal. Its just making my life miserable. Ok shall stop nagging, hmmph, basically i had tuition in the morning, which i had difficulties to wake up just now. I just have to force my entire body to get up from that bed, and thanxs, i almost fall asleep during tuition. how great it is. My stomache was groaning, feeling hungry at that moment of time, and it seems that he accidentally extent the time to 1:30pm. Damn it, he took the wrong day. haizz.I thought of taking a short nap right after tuition, but it didnt happen. I spent time browsing through pictures and watching some boring movies. Now, i hate Sundays!Its a boring day to spent with. And starting from tomorrow onwards going to have intensive malay and O level malay is in weeks time, so better burnt off my time for malay. hurhur. On a heavier note, sis was being so stucked up telling my mum that im on the phone with a guy just now, but actually mum dont mind. Due to late night, i have to hang up the phone and fucked that bitch up. Thank god shes away for few days for camp next week. Thats a great thing to hear from her.
psst:*I just couldnt understand why must guys say this: " Im willing to wait for you and i will never give up". To those guys who said that, you're just a piece of bullshit. I've encounter that for second time and look, that guy is all attached. My god, boy, a noob people like you SHOULD reflect yourself in the mirror. Flirting with me while you've got a second party with you?!? ahaha!Thats so cool of you mann! congrats to you, sweet talk mother fucker!