Lets be gay, I want to be gay now. Don’t get me wrong, gay in dictionary , means happy. Why not be gay now rather than leading a depression in life. It sucks when depression conquers our mood. Monday was a marking day. Marking day = no school. No school = going out day. Yes, make a move out to Arab Street and Bugis. Laughters and hilarious struck my day out but a little bit fucked up. (For a good damn reason). School was great yesterday, laughing all the time due to Myra’s humorous/ridiculous/deserving scorn which brings us back to live but yet, depressing. Exam result was terribly received. Every subject was a great disappointment which could make me laugh out loud. It drives me crazy with the marks I received and that’s not me mann. Art was a disgrace and unsatisfying. Marks I received shouldn’t be gotten by me but to ( I ). It’s a shocking he scored higher than me, even though i feel mine is better than him and more creative. wth. Its okay, what’s done is already done. There’s no turning back towards it. It seems that Holidays are meant for me to study and for sure I’m being grounded. Hope not, cos I want to shop and spent time with the cliques. Hmpphh, give me money ($$) mommy and daddy; so that I shall not die on you guys hahs! Ok craps. I’ve got oodles of tuition homeworks to complete, and shall not fabricate an excuse. Tuition tomorrow at 8 p.m .. Ok intensive period starts now. Urghh, I don’t have the languid to face school tomorrow.
Psst: I flunked most of the papers.sheesh and ouh, today was my worst bad mood ever.
Excuse me if my post nowadays is such a bore.
Toodles im off watching ghost movie brought back by my sis.