Screw you!
Friday, April 3, 2009

They drilled me to join GOH this year,saying that this year gonna be our last and only chance wearing NUMBER 1 UNIFORM.they urged me to join,but the decision took me too long to join.Khalisah was really expecting me to join but I was simply worried that im gonna screw mid-year examination papers.Having no time to study nor revise on those exams.ive got to also spent some time on cheerleading,which gonna be perform on the same day and date.OMG!.yes yes!i joined both!,,but have to make a careful decision on my time.urghh,, . Malay oral was practically NOT okay.i find the convo quite hard,having me muttered and startled every sentence I spoke.i don’t know what im talking about to the invigilator,I was a lost freak.urghh.yeah I screwed mid-year’s oral.danngg!! . Spent the whole afternoon dating with my greatest bitch,khalisah.hurhur.Bitching and gossiping about somebody which I find him/her real weird towards me.haha!We laid our butts/ass at Ws Macd treating ourselves a strawberry/chocolate Oreo Mudpie.Came across with someone which I don’t really expect to,”urghh”,,hell yaw!!.I EXPRESS OUT every single thing of my feelings towards khalisah,,letting her know what ive been keeping all this while.hurhur.yes khalisah,,u know every single thing already,so don’t u ever dare reveal it.IF theres any changes to that person,you’re gonna watch out,u will see a pair of flying shoes smacking right on ur face or ur butts gonna get something spicy to it.hurhur!so careful bitch!..nahh,,I find today a fruitful day but yet a screwing day.i could laugh my ass out,having laughing non-stop.gyeah!. . SAYONARA!