Birthday Wish/April Fool
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
 Happy Birthday grandma,kaes,i prolly dont know wats her age now,most prolly going 70s.yerps.Yeah,i miss you,its been days ive not been visiting you.I know ure kindda sick,im so gonna visit you real soon,may god bless you and live longer.yeeps yeeps.I feel guilty for not wishing her this morning,but i did wish her after i reach home from school.She told my mum that usually i was the first one to wish her,every morning,every year,but now,i didnt.nahh,i was busy getting ready for school,being woke up late.I did have the intention to wish you early in the morning,but time doesnt allow me to do so.haizz,,i feel so guilty.
 2.4km run held just now.was suppose to run,and i did,it was just the trial test,and the time was being noted down.For those who pass,will not need to run again unless you wanne put in more effort and run again.hurhur!i managed to pass,timing was 16:50 i guess,,if im not mistaken.yeah!i successfully made it,and im not gonna run again cos its friggin tiring.urgh!!.I LOVE this year April fool!was awesome!planned go on very well and smoothly.5/1 and 5/2 changed classroom,and we managed to fool some of the teachers,,haha!and wats the good thing,im not being fooled!huahua. Sayonara off for studies