[credits to izryan for my 3 solo pic]
Love comes and goes there is no such thing as true love. Every time you love someone it breaks apart. Nobody feels the same foreach other. Dont love somebody your first sight wait until that person loves you back. Dont do the same mistake twice wait until that person loves you back, Wait for the right time.
3 days and 2 nights camp was totally sucks due to some CIs.Because of them,they totally ruin my mood.I will not blame Mai for this.Yeah,as i said it totally sucks.I was so damn fanatic and all ready to be enthusiastic but it turns out the other way round.I just couldnt endure with the CIs.I do feel like stepping out of the camp just like that leaving the rest.Who give a damn.Food for NCOs and CIs were awesome?!?haha.I only love the pasta made by Nabiha's aunt and the pizza done by me and khalisah.haha.Could say that the entire camp for breakfast,lunch,dinner and supper was pasta.cool huh.But those ration food was such a yucks for me.Rather eat maggie than those ration food.grr.
First day had activities such as obstacle and night walk.I was the ghost for night walk,but it wasnt that scary cos some stupid people throw me at a place where there wasnt scary.They could see my reflection.haha.stupid enough to scare people with shadows behind it.I didnt manage to scare people cos i was laughing overall.only a few cadets shouted.Super lame!