It happens to me
Saturday, July 11, 2009
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
You people are just confusing me. I am utterly confused now. Should I or should not I continue with it? I only received a few respond. But indeed a good thing to hear from, “listen to your heart”.
I was supposed to come up with a post yesterday night, but it didn’t. I flaked out early yesterday night. I was exhausted the whole day. School was fine and there aren’t any interesting stuffs happening around. Most of the day we were free form lessons since some of the teachers wasn’t in school. Malay O level Oral is this coming Friday. I did my malay oral practice last two days. I failed reading the passage fluently. I got 7 out of 10. pfft, that was bad. I should have gotten 9 or 10, the best. And, the conversation part was a bit alright for me since I got some of the facts there. I just need to practice getting some of the malay words on my mind. Ahuh! I’ve been lately reaching home late after school since lessons end late. I could not even have my afternoon nap cos time span was on studying after that.
Yesterday, right after school, had lunch at KFC with the cliques since its been long we spent the time together. (But I didn’t eat). I’ve got to head home as soon as possible, cos meeting up with my beloved cousin at the airport. I wanted to meet her up plus checking out on the courses that I want to apply for DPA. Most of the courses were from Singapore Polytechnic eventually, 2 out of 3 of the courses that I had chosen. The rest were either from Ngee Ann Poly or Republic Poly. Couzzie said imma going to face difficulties in choosing courses in the future cos most of the courses aren’t my type. I am left with 2 days to apply DPA, and waiting for emails from form teacher for my testi to write on the DPA requirements. I need to keep reminding myself to check out my emails on weekends since they’ll be sending it thru emails. Sheesh.
ok bye people!